Importance Of Music Videos
Music videos represent a very important part of the music industry. There are even artists that owe their careers to their music videos. Music videos have become a venue where music artist is given a chance to impress the public not just with their vocal talent but also with their looks or moves. There are people who become an instant fan because of the music videos they see on TV. It even gave birth to a new type of video directors, those who has credits in making popular music videos. Although there are some video directors that don't specializes in music video directing, there are many who started their directing profession in directing very well known music videos. This is a very important lesson to those directors who are just beginning and trying to make a name in the industry. Directing music videos can be their stepping stone on the way to movie directing that they desire.
Music video is not that important before as it is today. MTV (Music Television) was one of the pioneers that take advantage of the power of music videos and discovered its importance to the music industry. Since 1981, MTV started broadcasting in the USA. From that day on music video gradually rule the music industry. ‘Video Killed the Radio Star' by The Buggles was the first video ever played on MTV. MTV instantly become of the most highly controversial show on TV. Some people saw it as the beginning of a new era in the music industry, where people can show what they got aside from singing. On the other hand were people who considered it as an end of true musical talent because artists will become more appreciated if they have good looks instead of having great vocal abilities. Music video aims to deliver the song or give meaning to the song. People can easily relate to the song once they see where it is intended for. It can help listeners relate to the song and somehow feel that the song was written for them.
Today, music videos have already proven how essential it is to an artist success. It is now considered as important as the song itself. There are artists and songs that have become so popular and well known because of their music videos. The industry have also found new ways to generate additional income from selling music video collections that are being sold on tapes or DVDs. Music video creation no matter how small or big the project is can give jobs to people. From music directors, artist and down to the smallest staff also benefit in creating music videos. There are some fans that enjoy watching music videos because of its artistic value. Some fans also think that music videos should be assessed based on its visual qualities and not on the song quality. Although there are many people who think that the song is only secondary to the music video, the music video will only be a tool for the business and will be used to sell the song of the artist.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Importance Of Music Videos
Monday, March 3, 2014
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Mario Lopez: ‘i Can’t Imagine My Life’ Without Kids
I never knew I had such feelings inside of me, Lopez, 40, told PEOPLE before hosting a fashion show to launch the new Palm Beach Outlets in West Palm Beach, Fla. on Saturday. No matter how rough my day has been, when I get home and hear my children yell, Daddy! I feel so much better. Even though life has changed dramatically for the popular television personality, he and wife Courtney are enjoying every minute spent with their 5-month-old son and daughter Gia Francesca, 3. One of the best times is first thing in the morning when everyone is energetic and ready to roll out a new day. I always have breakfast with the kids, Lopez tells PEOPLE of his daily life in Los Angeles. Courtney usually cooks a breakfast of waffles and oatmeal, and we all seem to be in a good mood. Both of the kids giggle, and its so much fun watching Dominic eat his baby food. He just loves it, and hes getting chubby. At the end of the day, when Lopez returns home from work, he enjoys sitting down to dinner with the family. After catching up on the news, the doting father gives Gia a bath and brushes her teeth. Dominic goes to bed, then Gia and I read or play or do something to wear her out because she has an abundance of energy , Lopez, who bought his daughter flowers and candy for Valentines Day, says. She loves to sing and dance and has become a real night owl! On weekends, Lopez likes to take Courtney and the kids to the park for strolls and out to eat at various restaurants. Gia even gets to see movies and ice shows with her dad. She also enjoys lots of fun family activity in Orlando, the city where Lopez shoots many episodes of Extra, often for more than a week at a time. We really love traveling with the kids, he shares. We take DVD players to keep them occupied. And Gia loves to move around to new places and see different things. Both children have passports already. Lopez is so happy being a father, he is even thinking of expanding his family further. Being with Gia and Dominic gives me the chance to be a kid all over again, he says. All of a sudden I have two amazing playmates. I cant imagine my life without children. Linda Marx
For the original version visit
Monday, February 17, 2014
prank Call Ideas - 5 Step Guide To Making Funny Phone Calls!
Prank Calls can be a lot of fun, but not when you're sitting there waiting for a decent idea to spring up. It can get very boring.
As you can probably recall, these sort of pranks calls usually end up turning into very unconvincing stories, silly amounts of laughter and the phone being slammed down by the other person more or less straight away, which is no fun.
The most convincing and rewarding prank calls arise from keeping your "victim" on the phone for as long as possible, thereby making them believe that every word you are saying is true and generally making them looking like a bit of a buffoon.
Prank call masters know what it takes in order to pull the most outrageous pranks off. Read on to find out how you can too using our special formula.
Prank Call Examples
There are a lot of prank call videos on YouTube, but apart from being fun to watch, they won't help you generate your own prank ideas by themselves, and trying to replicate a prank call seen elsewhere will often sound false.
What you need is a formula...
A formula is very useful in this situation because it will allow you to plug in your own ideas under the different headings below and come up with something that will go down a treat. A good way to explain how the formula works is to refer to an actual prank call, which we will do below.
The Headings
Introduction - Introduce Yourself.
They say it's important to make a good first impression. Well the same goes for creating a good prank call.
You need to captivate your "victim" and make them curious. Saying something out of the blue or random during the first 5 seconds will usually sound the alarms and will either cause them to hang up or get angry and then hang up!
The conversation has to be very believable. Watch this video on YouTube to see what I mean (Come back though!) -
The pranksters start by introducing themselves with phony names to add credibility and start the conversation off.
Create a situation.
Make your "victim" curious and interested in what you are saying. Engage them in easy to understand conversation and listen to their reaction. This allows you to build a topic for the call and also explore their limits aswell. It's really an extension of the introduction.
Listen to how the pranksters start talking about the new local school that is about to open...
Ask some questions.
Asking simple and non private questions work well to get them talking. This is the key foundation work to build up credibility. Only ask questions after you've followed the above introductions, otherwise most people will get paranoid and hang up or act closed, which is not something you want to deal with during a prank call.
Remember the goal of the prank is to reel your "victim" in and then eventually humiliate them in some way. See how the pranksters in the video get the man talking with some simple questions and innocent conversation and smoothly make the transition to the actual windup thay have in store.
Making the transition.
A good way to bridge the gap between innocent conversation and your outrageous line-up is to bring in the element of confusion. If you watched the video you will have heard this transition start at about 2:26.
A soon as they react with surprise, it's time to increase the heat and pile on the humiliation.
Unleashing the prank.
Now that you've reached this stage of the prank call, it's time to have some fun.
You can now say outrageous things, ask strange questions and listen to the responses whilst the person still actually believes it's a genuine call.
There are many options available from here, but remember, the more convincing, the more you can get away with and the more fun you will have.
The best way to prepare for a prank call is to write the headlings down on a piece of paper and use bullet points to act as a quick reference if you get lost.